Ok, so we are in Iowa!
We survived the grueling 2 day trip in a 26 foot Penske with Bailey as copilot.
Niles did a great job maneuvering the behemoth with the Subaru (wrapped in blue painters tape to protect the paint) on the trailer behind us! There were a few tight spots--a gas station in Illinois that I thought we would be making our home--however, with a little finesse and lots of prayers we were back on the road!
All we heard on the news in Georgia before we left were drought warnings, we had not seen a rain drop in months; until we pulled into Iowa City. We took the car off the trailer in a mild lightning storm and did a once over of our little "cottage" before crashing at the hotel.
The next day we woke up to forecasts of R-A-I-N. According to Mark Schnackenberg (doesn't that sound like a mid-west name!) we had a narrow window between 10 am and 3 pm to unload the truck without precipitation. So, it was like the supermarket sweep of moving. As fast as we could with little attention or care for room placement we unloaded furniture and boxes and boxes and boxes and....you get the picture. In the end we were successful, we managed to unload all 26 feet without a single drop of rain. The fun began when we started sorting and unpacking the boxes inside. Again, this is a "cottage", once the boxes were in the house there was little room for us; let alone our sainted helpers, Niles' parents!
Obviously, we have had plenty of time to settle in. Niles kept saying we needed a "go-go-gadget" house; one that would expand to fit all of our "necessities" we'd brought with us from home. But in the end we are here with plenty of room to spare (thanks to the basement).
Now the hard part, adjusting to life in Iowa.