Since there are no kids to brag about with spaghetti all over their faces, or taking their first steps, or dipping their toes in the ocean, I decided to take my camera to the dog park tonight. One of the greatest things about Iowa City is the awesome dog park!
I swear that after our first journey to the park Bailey memorized the route and now could lead me there if I wind up with memory loss. The closer we get the more excited he becomes. Tonight was no exception & he had a great time! He obviously loves to sniff the other dogs. As of tonight, he nominated himself as the official greeter. When he heard the gate open with "fresh meat" arriving he bolted over to the poor dog begging his ower to let him off the leash and gave him a good sniffing, then allowed him to join the rest of the dogs in play. When we finally left and got in the car he was so hot and panting that I just had to snap a photo of that tongue!
It is amazing to me that we can spend 45 minutes at the park with him in a full out sprint most of the time and when we come home he is still ready to play and begs us to put peanut butter in his Kong!
I wish I had half his energy...
Hey Bailey and proud parents:
Gald to hear that it sounds like you are falling into a nice routine in Iowa City! I love the pics.
I think Australian Shepherds and Border Collies are some of the smartest dogs ever...and cute too!
Keep your stories coming...
I'm glad you sound like you are keeping your parent's minds off of Georgia, sweet, Georgia!
Hugs and doggy kisses!
Lucy misses Bailey terribly. I think I am going to have to find a park in Birmingham so that Lucy can get her puppy play fix. Although I don't think she'll find another victim who is as willing to be terrorized as Bailey. :)
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