One good thing about the mess that we have here in Iowa City from the melting snow and ice is that it is an opportunity to buy new shoes. If you'd ask Niles, he'd say I can use just about anyting justify a retail experience. However, this most recent purchase was born from true necessity. Now, I am not talking peep tose with kitten heels--yet, but I am talking adorable rubber rain shoes--wellies! As a kid I loved sloshing around in mud puddles and now, with my feet fully protected in my prepply little wellingtons I can unabashadly tromp through the puddles once again.
Getting new shoes always makes me happy! I'll be glad for you when you can wear flip flops again...Miss you!
Love the new shoes! Thanks for the comment, the shoes on my blog are from Kate Spade!!
Funny that you posted this because just yesterday I was deciding if I should pull out my boys' Thomas the Train wellingtons that we got in Ireland last year. . .
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