The following came from this site:
No she wasn’t a member of the (wild-eyed libertarian) Alaska independence Party, although her husband once was- No, she was never a Pat Buchanan supporter; even when Buchanan claims she was, she was on the board of Steve Forbes’a campaign in Alaska.
- No, she’s not anti-semitic. In fact, she has an Israeli flag in her office. (Contrary to popular belief, the usual Evangelical thinks Israel has a right to exist, granted by God.)
- No, she’s doesn’t believe that the Iraq War was directed by God. Yes, she did pray that proceeding with the war was God’s will. (Ever hear the phrase “Not my will, but Thine, be done”?)
- No, Buchanan doesn’t support her now; in fact he’s supporting Obama. (Buchanan did think her speech was amazing, but then so do 80 percent of the people who saw it.)
- Yes, she was pregnant when she got married
- Yes, barring immaculate conception, Bristol appears to have had sex with her fiancee. No, Bristol didn’t receive only “abstinence-only” sex ed.
- Yes, she did fire the public safety guy — but he said in the Anchorage paper that, for the record, she never, and no one else in her administration ever, tried to make him fire her ex-brother-in-law and yes, the state trooper (her sister’s ex-husband) she was worried about did: tase her 10 year old nephew; drive his state patrol car while drinking or drunk; did threaten to “bring her down”; and did threaten to murder her father and sister if they dared to get an attorney to help with the divorce.
- No, she didn’t cut funding for unwed mothers; yes, she did increase it by “only” 354 percent instead of 454 percent, as part of a multi-year capital expenditures program. No, the Washington Post doesn’t appear to have corrected their story. Even after this was pointed out in the comments on the story.
- No, she didn’t cut special needs student funding; yes, she did raise it by “only” 175 percent.
- Yes, she did ask the librarian if some books could be withdrawn because of being offensive; no, they couldn’t; yes she did threaten to fire the librarian a month later; no, that wasn’t over the books thing but instead over administrative issues; no, the librarian wasn’t fired either; yes, the librarian was a big supporter of one of her political opponents; yes, the librarian was also the girlfriend of the Chief of police mentioned above; no, this is not the first time in the history of civilization that someone has been threatened with being fired over a political dispute
- Yes, she’s an was an Assembly of God Holy Roller. No, she doesn’t attend an AoG church now. Yes, she did leave the AoG because they were getting too weird for her.
- Yes, she apparently believes in some variant of Intelligent Design
- No, she didn’t try to force the schools to teach it; she said if someone brought it up, it was an appropriate subject for debate.
- No, she doesn’t believe in “abstinence only” education. Yes, she thinks abstinence is an effective way of preventing pregnancy. Duh. Yes, she believes kids should learn about condom use in schools.
- Yes, she kills animals and eats them, and wears their skins
- Yes, she has on occasion tried to get money from the federal government.
- Yes, she did finally turn down the money for the bridge. Yes, that meant changing her mind about it.
- Yes, she was vetted extensively, not just in three days — I’ve got links to press reports about people coming to Wassila on 29 May, and we had her on our Veepstakes at PJM from the first day we ran it.
- Yes, Sarah Palin’s acceptance speech was written by a speechwriter. Duh. No, none of Obama’s, McCain’s, nor Biden’s speeches were impromptu off the cuff things either.
Thanks for clearing up some of these misconceptions! I hope you had a nice weekend!
Thanks for posting this. The media has been terrible to Sarah P. and her family.
Sarah~ I'm sending your wicked swap package tomorrow. I had planned on mailing it early but the post office has been closed. So sorry.
Thanks for posting that. I hadn't even heard some of those rumors. People can be so harsh!
Thanks so much for posting that. Gosh I love her. I'm a soccer Mom too. That's why I'm voting for her. I couldn't care less if she is uneducated, doesn't read newspaper.
I want to start running for office myself. I will start locally and work my way up! Just like her! I love soccer Moms.
Finally we have a party that is thinking with their brains. We NEED to have a candidate that looks good. It's not just all about brains.
All candidates have speech writers. True. But qualified candidates can answer questions like "what newspapers do you read?".
Ahhhhh....see? Get it now? Not trying to stump her, they were trying to get to know her and she failed miserably!!!!
McCain will lose. Get use to it.
Thank you for posting this! I love that last one...like Obama and Biden just make it up as they go...crazy!
I hope we see her moving from Alaska after Nov.4th!
-Sandy toes
MC ... forgive this long response ...but after reading your answers to our questions, I was looking for a way to email you directly but ended up on this site - the reason I wanted to message you is I was getting a lil uncomfortable haha - b/c my friends know I'm addicted to chocolate and Blue (for 5 years, my wedding was even light blue six yrs ago June), The Dr factor (even though mine's is PhD school and loans still suck lol), LOVE My Joe's (and TR's I'll admit) are my fave, in my makeup bag RIGHT NOW, I have Bare Minerals foundation, and Laura Mercier eye shadow (among other brands...), so then I come over to this blog and am reading up, and Stargazers ..WHAT? LOVE them, McCain/Palin, love them, had two chocolate labs named Bailey (sounds twisted but one was adopted and his name was already Bailey), your music list (even though it was in march lol) LOVE, and dang it, why can't you live in CA? haha. OH EXCEPT - MY SISTER, I'M ALLLLLLL ABOUT PEPSI ,,,THAT IS, when I'm not drinking a mocha. :) hehe. Ok so delete this big ole comment - just didn't know how else to give you details on why I think you rock sister. :)
Yes, all those debunked, and people STILL using those to excuse their hatred of her. Even the Boston Globe is still using the pay for rape kits rumor.
Liberals just can't stand that a woman who made it all the way up to (almost) the top without being "one of them" and it kills them! Lol.
I bet 95% of those guys/gals in DC read 5 newspapers a day and went to top rated schools and look at the mess we're in because of them!
Go Sarah Go! :)
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